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Zoom chats
Below is the schedule for the Zoom social calls for 2024 (all UK local times):
- 12 December at 11am
These are a brilliant way to keep in touch with other members all around the world for an informal chat and a bit of a laugh!
If you would like to join us for a Zoom chat, let us know on or +44 7487 416 398.
Brooklands Museum Members Event – 9 June 2023
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the wonderful lunch and tour for our members at Brooklands Museum. Enjoy the photos! Photo credit: Bob McCaffrey
Red Bull Racing Lunch and Tour
The Grand Prix Trust held an amazing lunch and tour at Red Bull Racing HQ on the 5th of April.
The Trust recently recorded a very informative video with Dr Lucy Goldby of Balance Performance Physiotherapy on keeping you well while working.
The Trust held its first ever webinar on the 26th of April. The webinar, Exercise - the "miracle" cure, was kindly hosted by the Schoen Clinic and the speakers on the night were Dr Phil Batty and Mr Peter Hamlyn (Grand Prix Trust Trustee).